
How to upgrade to ownCloud 10

This will explain how to upgrade ownCloud on Docker Compose.

Pull a new image.

# docker-compose pull owncloud

Run migration.

# docker-compose exec --user www-data owncloud /bin/bash
$ php occ upgrade

If error occurred, remove /apps and extract new one from the archive owncloud-10.0.3.tar.bz2. Most apps have been changed since 10.

LDAP user and group backend

If you are using the LDAP user and group backend app, you have to reinstall it form the market.

If no file or folder is shown in the home, make sure that the users table is migrated.

# docker-compose exec --user www-data owncloud /bin/bash
$ php occ user:sync 'OCA\User_LDAP\User_Proxy'
The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see
If unknown users are found, what do you want to do with their accounts? (removing the account will also remove its data)
  [0] disable
  [1] remove
  [2] ask later
 > 2
Analyse unknown users ...
    3 [============================]

No unknown users have been detected.
Insert new and update existing users ...
 xx/xx [============================] 100%